Disaster Restoration Services in Greenville, SC & Spartanburg, SC
Jul 9, 2022
ServiceMaster of Spartanburg and Greenville, SC
What happens after a fire or water damages your home? Do you call your insurance company first or do you try to clean up the mess? These questions are critical to getting your home and possessions cleaned and restored. Let’s take a look.
First, start with making sure you and your family are safe. Next, move anything in water to a dry space. Wood, books, clothing and more may be saved as long as it doesn’t sit in contaminated water for long. Call your insurance provider to get the claim started. You pay for insurance premiums every month for just this reason. Make sure they have ServiceMaster of Spartanburg and Greenville out to start restoring your home.
There are a lot of shady characters who will see your damaged home as an opportunity to steal from you. Use a trusted restoration company that has been in business for more than two decades. ServiceMaster of Spartanburg and Greenville is trained and ready to help. Call us.